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Eclipse sensiNact core Feature (Apr 22, 2024, 1:40:09 PM)

Started 9 mo 11 days ago
Took 2 sec
Build Artifacts
core-feature-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT-osgifeature.json1.47 KiB view
core-feature-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT-osgifeaturerepo.zip4.62 MiB view
core-feature-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.pom6.27 KiB view
  1. Update Jackson to 2.16.1 (commit: 1d643b4) (details)
  2. Package regsitration and Model Package Uri (commit: b36801f) (details)
  3. bumped geckoEMF and EMF (commit: 6ace9f7) (details)
  4. Bumped slf4j to v2.0.11 (Issue #328) (commit: 27f4420) (details)
  5. Remove dependency on log4j-over-slf4j (commit: 72a8083) (details)
  6. Replace slf4j-simple with logback (v1.4.14) (commit: 8d7cbbe) (details)
  7. Make the sensiNact build more CI friendly (commit: 75ebfda) (details)
Changes in dependency
  1. SensiNact GeoJSON mapping types #27#28 (detail)
  2. SensiNact Provider Model #27#28 (detail)
  3. SensiNact core Annotations #27#28 (detail)
  4. Eclipse sensiNact Features #27#28 (detail)
  5. SensiNact core implementation #27#28 (detail)
  6. SensiNact core API with EMF dependencies #27#28 (detail)
  7. sensinact-parent #27#28 (detail)
  8. Eclipse sensiNact Feature Launcher Test Utilities #27#28 (detail)
  9. SensiNact core API #27#28 (detail)
  10. SensiNact internal Metadata Model #27#28 (detail)
  11. Eclipse sensiNact Distribution #27#28 (detail)