# Documentation of Eclipse sensiNact The documentation entry point is [`source/index.md`](source/index.md). ## How to compile ### Setup a Python virtual environment 1. Create the environment: `python -m venv venv` 2. Activate it according to your interpreter: * Bash: `. .\venv\bin\activate` * Powershell: `. .\venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1` * CMD: `.\venv\Scripts\activate.bat` 3. Install requirements: * `pip install -r requirements.txt` * **Note:** the requirements contains a link to a Git repository, you might need to add `--use-pep517` argument. 4. Compile the project with the Sphinx HTML builder: * Bash: `make clean html` * Powershell: `.\make.bat clean && .\make.bat html` * CMD: `make clean & make html` 5. The documentation HTML project is in the `build/html` folder, starting at [index.html](./build/html/index.html).