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#31 (Aug 8, 2024, 11:01:54 AM)

Started 5 mo 23 days ago
Took 18 sec
Build Artifacts
api-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar44.48 KiB view
api-0.0.2-SNAPSHOT.pom3.17 KiB view
  1. Include the model name in topic notifications (commit: 9d68852) (details)
  2. fixed NPE due to missing service EClass (commit: a648fd6) (details)
  3. Expose #getProviders(String modelPackageUri, String model) from the twin (commit: 6eebd84) (details)
  4. Reinstate final modifier for GenericDto (commit: 61101a6) (details)
Changes in dependency
  1. SensiNact GeoJSON mapping types #30#31 (detail)
  2. SensiNact core Annotations #30#31 (detail)