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Changes between #30 and #31

#31 (Aug 8, 2024, 11:01:54 AM)

  1. Include the model name in topic notifications (commit: 9d68852) — timothyjward / detail
  2. use real eClass from service not from reference (commit: 4410aac) — Guido Grune / detail
  3. fixed NPE due to missing service EClass (commit: a648fd6) — j.albert / detail
  4. Implement model deletion in the Model Manager (commit: d221b61) — timothyjward / detail
  5. Add support for nullable data which should not create a resource (commit: 068be10) — timothyjward / detail
  6. Reinstate final modifier for GenericDto (commit: 61101a6) — timothyjward / detail
  7. Fix missing check in SetValueCommand (commit: c9be1b3) — timothyjward / detail