[INFO] [INFO] ----------< org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.nthbnd:rest-access >---------- [INFO] Building sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP REST Access 2.0-SNAPSHOT [25/120] [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-clean-plugin:3.1.0:clean (default-clean) @ rest-access --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-enforcer-plugin:3.0.0-M3:enforce (enforce) @ rest-access --- [INFO] [INFO] --- directory-maven-plugin:0.3.1:highest-basedir (directories) @ rest-access --- [INFO] Highest basedir set to: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Eclipse Sensinact/workspace [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.1.0:resources (default-resources) @ rest-access --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Eclipse Sensinact/workspace/platform/northbound/rest-access/src/main/resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) @ rest-access --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 18 source files to /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Eclipse Sensinact/workspace/platform/northbound/rest-access/target/classes [INFO] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Eclipse Sensinact/workspace/platform/northbound/rest-access/src/main/java/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest/internal/Accountings.java: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Eclipse Sensinact/workspace/platform/northbound/rest-access/src/main/java/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest/internal/Accountings.java uses unchecked or unsafe operations. [INFO] /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Eclipse Sensinact/workspace/platform/northbound/rest-access/src/main/java/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest/internal/Accountings.java: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [INFO] [INFO] --- bnd-maven-plugin:6.1.0-SNAPSHOT:bnd-process (default) @ rest-access --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-resources-plugin:3.1.0:testResources (default-testResources) @ rest-access --- [INFO] Using 'UTF-8' encoding to copy filtered resources. [INFO] Copying 2 resources [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-compiler-plugin:3.8.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ rest-access --- [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [INFO] Compiling 8 source files to /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Eclipse Sensinact/workspace/platform/northbound/rest-access/target/test-classes [INFO] [INFO] --- bnd-maven-plugin:6.1.0-SNAPSHOT:bnd-process-tests (bnd-process-tests) @ rest-access --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:2.22.2:test (default-test) @ rest-access --- [INFO] Tests are skipped. [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.2.0:jar (default-jar) @ rest-access --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Eclipse Sensinact/workspace/platform/northbound/rest-access/target/rest-access-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-jar-plugin:3.2.0:test-jar (test-jar) @ rest-access --- [INFO] Building jar: /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Eclipse Sensinact/workspace/platform/northbound/rest-access/target/rest-access-2.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- bnd-resolver-maven-plugin:6.1.0-SNAPSHOT:resolve (resolve-test) @ rest-access --- [INFO] Resolving /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Eclipse Sensinact/workspace/platform/northbound/rest-access/tests.bndrun: [INFO] -runbundles: ch.qos.logback.core;version='[1.2.3,1.2.4)',junit-jupiter-api;version='[5.7.2,5.7.3)',junit-jupiter-engine;version='[5.7.2,5.7.3)',junit-jupiter-params;version='[5.7.2,5.7.3)',junit-platform-commons;version='[1.7.2,1.7.3)',junit-platform-engine;version='[1.7.2,1.7.3)',junit-platform-launcher;version='[1.7.2,1.7.3)',log4j;version='[1.2.17,1.2.18)',org.apache.felix.http.jetty;version='[4.1.10,4.1.11)',org.apache.felix.http.servlet-api;version='[1.1.4,1.1.5)',org.apache.felix.scr;version='[2.1.16,2.1.17)',org.opentest4j;version='[1.2.0,1.2.1)',org.osgi.service.cm;version='[1.6.0,1.6.1)',org.osgi.service.component;version='[1.4.0,1.4.1)',org.osgi.test.common;version='[1.0.1,1.0.2)',org.osgi.test.junit5;version='[1.0.1,1.0.2)',org.osgi.util.function;version='[1.1.0,1.1.1)',org.osgi.util.promise;version='[1.1.1,1.1.2)',slf4j.api;version='[1.7.30,1.7.31)',org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.nthbnd.rest-access;version='[2.0.0,2.0.1)',org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.nthbnd.rest-access-tests;version='[2.0.0,2.0.1)',org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.nthbnd.sensinact-northbound-access;version='[2.0.0,2.0.1)',org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.protocol.http;version='[2.0.0,2.0.1)',org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.sensinact-common;version='[2.0.0,2.0.1)',org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.sensinact-core;version='[2.0.0,2.0.1)',org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.sensinact-datastore-api;version='[2.0.0,2.0.1)',org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.sensinact-generic;version='[2.0.0,2.0.1)',org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.sensinact-signature-validator-api;version='[2.0.0,2.0.1)',org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.sensinact-utils;version='[2.0.0,2.0.1)',org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.simulated.devices.light;version='[2.0.0,2.0.1)',org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.simulated.devices.slider;version='[2.0.0,2.0.1)',org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.sensinact-security-none;version='[2.0.0,2.0.1)',org.eclipse.sensinact.gateway.sensinact-signature-validator-mock;version='[2.0.0,2.0.1)',org.apache.felix.framework.security;version='[2.8.1,2.8.2)',ch.qos.logback.classic;version='[1.2.3,1.2.4)',json;version='[20190722.0.0,20190722.0.1)',org.eclipse.jetty.websocket.client;version='[9.4.42,9.4.43)' [INFO] [INFO] --- bnd-testing-maven-plugin:6.1.0-SNAPSHOT:testing (testing) @ rest-access --- [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:3.0.0-M1:install (default-install) @ rest-access --- [INFO] Installing /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Eclipse Sensinact/workspace/platform/northbound/rest-access/target/rest-access-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to /root/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest-access/2.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-access-2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar [INFO] Installing /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Eclipse Sensinact/workspace/platform/northbound/rest-access/pom.xml to /root/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest-access/2.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-access-2.0-SNAPSHOT.pom [INFO] Installing /var/jenkins_home/jobs/Eclipse Sensinact/workspace/platform/northbound/rest-access/target/rest-access-2.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar to /root/.m2/repository/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest-access/2.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-access-2.0-SNAPSHOT-tests.jar [INFO] [INFO] --- maven-deploy-plugin:3.0.0-M1:deploy (default-deploy) @ rest-access --- [INFO] Downloading from dim_nexus: https://devel.data-in-motion.biz/nexus/repository/sensinact/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest-access/2.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml [INFO] Downloaded from dim_nexus: https://devel.data-in-motion.biz/nexus/repository/sensinact/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest-access/2.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml (1.0 kB at 53 kB/s) [INFO] Uploading to dim_nexus: https://devel.data-in-motion.biz/nexus/repository/sensinact/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest-access/2.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-access-2.0-20211126.154526-3.jar [INFO] Uploaded to dim_nexus: https://devel.data-in-motion.biz/nexus/repository/sensinact/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest-access/2.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-access-2.0-20211126.154526-3.jar (55 kB at 557 kB/s) [INFO] Uploading to dim_nexus: https://devel.data-in-motion.biz/nexus/repository/sensinact/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest-access/2.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-access-2.0-20211126.154526-3.pom [INFO] Uploaded to dim_nexus: https://devel.data-in-motion.biz/nexus/repository/sensinact/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest-access/2.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-access-2.0-20211126.154526-3.pom (18 kB at 242 kB/s) [INFO] Uploading to dim_nexus: https://devel.data-in-motion.biz/nexus/repository/sensinact/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest-access/2.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-access-2.0-20211126.154526-3-tests.jar [INFO] Uploaded to dim_nexus: https://devel.data-in-motion.biz/nexus/repository/sensinact/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest-access/2.0-SNAPSHOT/rest-access-2.0-20211126.154526-3-tests.jar (61 kB at 131 kB/s) [INFO] Downloading from dim_nexus: https://devel.data-in-motion.biz/nexus/repository/sensinact/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest-access/maven-metadata.xml [INFO] Downloaded from dim_nexus: https://devel.data-in-motion.biz/nexus/repository/sensinact/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest-access/maven-metadata.xml (305 B at 8.7 kB/s) [INFO] Uploading to dim_nexus: https://devel.data-in-motion.biz/nexus/repository/sensinact/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest-access/2.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml [INFO] Uploaded to dim_nexus: https://devel.data-in-motion.biz/nexus/repository/sensinact/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest-access/2.0-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml (1.0 kB at 2.0 kB/s) [INFO] Uploading to dim_nexus: https://devel.data-in-motion.biz/nexus/repository/sensinact/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest-access/maven-metadata.xml [INFO] Uploaded to dim_nexus: https://devel.data-in-motion.biz/nexus/repository/sensinact/org/eclipse/sensinact/gateway/nthbnd/rest-access/maven-metadata.xml (305 B at 929 B/s) [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Reactor Summary for sensiNact IoT Gateway - Gateway Project 2.0-SNAPSHOT: [INFO] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Gateway Project ............ SUCCESS [ 2.349 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Platform ................... SUCCESS [ 1.872 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Utilities .................. SUCCESS [ 5.365 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Common Data Structures ..... SUCCESS [ 3.849 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security parent module ..... SUCCESS [ 1.471 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - OSGi Framework Security Extension SUCCESS [ 2.970 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Data store parent module ... SUCCESS [ 1.525 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Data Store Access API ...... SUCCESS [ 2.782 s] [INFO] OSGi Security Layer - Jar Validation API ........... SUCCESS [ 3.661 s] [INFO] OSGi Security Layer - Jar Validation Mock .......... SUCCESS [ 7.188 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Core ....................... SUCCESS [ 5.719 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security Moke .............. SUCCESS [ 2.873 s] [INFO] OSGi Security Layer - Jar Validation ............... SUCCESS [ 11.711 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Northbound parent module ... SUCCESS [ 2.368 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Northbound Access .......... SUCCESS [ 3.089 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Platform Tools ............. SUCCESS [ 1.708 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Test helper ...... SUCCESS [ 2.919 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Communication protocol parent SUCCESS [ 1.637 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP Protocol .............. SUCCESS [ 4.491 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - SQLite DataBase Connector .. SUCCESS [ 5.658 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Generic implementation ..... SUCCESS [ 5.270 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Devices .......... SUCCESS [ 1.552 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Slider ........... SUCCESS [ 5.642 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Light ............ SUCCESS [ 3.445 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP REST Access ........... SUCCESS [ 5.304 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP Forwarding and Callback Factories SUCCESS [ 5.103 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - EMail Account Connector .... SUCCESS [ 3.236 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Fan .............. SUCCESS [ 2.895 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Button ........... SUCCESS [ 2.744 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security Core .............. SUCCESS [ 8.073 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - oAuth2 Security ............ SUCCESS [ 4.076 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security Core User Key Builder SUCCESS [ 2.978 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security Core Test ......... SUCCESS [ 4.312 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security Core OpenId User Key Builder SUCCESS [ 2.969 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Historic API ..... SUCCESS [ 3.078 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Historic Reader Manager SUCCESS [ 3.152 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Southbound parent module ... SUCCESS [ 1.418 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Protocol Devices parent SUCCESS [ 1.794 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Utility bundle ........ SUCCESS [ 2.650 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Remote OSGi ................ SUCCESS [ 3.248 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - SSDP ....................... SUCCESS [ 2.707 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - System ..................... SUCCESS [ 3.034 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Shell ...................... SUCCESS [ 2.731 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT AppManager - Parent .................. SUCCESS [ 1.712 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT AppManager - Core .................... SUCCESS [ 3.477 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT AppManager - Basic Plugin ............ SUCCESS [ 4.274 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Protocol Device ....... SUCCESS [ 2.759 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Smart Topic Device .... SUCCESS [ 3.065 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - The Things Network Device .. SUCCESS [ 3.005 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP Protocol Devices parent SUCCESS [ 1.595 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP Protocol Device ....... SUCCESS [ 5.240 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - OpenHab Protocol Device .... SUCCESS [ 3.525 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - LDAP filtering parent module SUCCESS [ 1.488 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - LDAP filter ................ SUCCESS [ 6.547 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP Protocol Device Factory SUCCESS [ 4.826 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Android Web Interface ...... SUCCESS [ 3.664 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Free Mobile SMS service .... SUCCESS [ 2.967 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - OpenWeather Device ......... SUCCESS [ 2.910 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Kodi Device ................ SUCCESS [ 3.200 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Live Objects Orange Protocol Device SUCCESS [ 2.738 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP oneM2M Device ......... SUCCESS [ 2.811 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - JSONPath filtering parent module SUCCESS [ 1.647 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - JSON Path filter ........... SUCCESS [ 4.767 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - GeoJSON filtering parent module SUCCESS [ 1.563 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - GeoJSON filter ............. SUCCESS [ 4.780 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Attributes filtering parent module SUCCESS [ 1.497 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Attributes filter .......... SUCCESS [ 4.944 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Northbound Agent ...... SUCCESS [ 1.765 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Generic Northbound Agent SUCCESS [ 2.984 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT oneM2M Northbound Agent SUCCESS [ 4.541 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Server ................ SUCCESS [ 18.646 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Northbound Agent Instance SUCCESS [ 5.199 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Generic Historical Storage Agent SUCCESS [ 4.607 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP Historical Storage Agent SUCCESS [ 2.715 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Influxdb Connector ......... SUCCESS [ 3.913 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Influxdb Historical Storage Agent SUCCESS [ 2.863 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP oneM2M Northbound Agent SUCCESS [ 3.712 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security test configuration SUCCESS [ 2.785 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Swagger API ................ SUCCESS [ 8.354 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - MongoDB Connector .......... SUCCESS [ 4.972 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Billboard ........ SUCCESS [ 2.759 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Temperatures Generator SUCCESS [ 3.240 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Distribution ............... SUCCESS [ 1.587 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - OSGi Distribution Template . SUCCESS [ 1.462 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - OSGi Distribution Template With Security SUCCESS [ 1.480 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - OSGi Distribution Template With OpenId Security SUCCESS [ 1.487 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Distribution Generator ..... SUCCESS [ 2.870 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (bridge profile generator) SUCCESS [ 2.021 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (android-imu bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 2.031 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (application bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 4.834 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (free-sms bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 1.977 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (kodi bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 2.063 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (mqtt-sb bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 2.041 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (mqtt-nb bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 1.990 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (mqtt-server bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 2.083 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (openhab bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 1.850 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (openweather bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 1.975 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (onem2m bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 3.120 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (onem2m-mqttbinding bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 1.889 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (rest bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 2.076 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (simulation bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 4.212 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (storage-agent bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 2.189 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (influxdb-storage-agent bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 2.516 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (historic bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 2.111 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (swagger bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 2.029 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (sensinact-remote bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 1.936 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (sensinact-datastore bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 2.113 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (ldapfilter bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 2.069 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (geojsonfilter bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 1.857 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (attributesfilter bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 2.807 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (http-client bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 1.898 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (ttn-device bridge dependencies) SUCCESS [ 4.030 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Packaging ........ SUCCESS [ 6.250 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Archetypes parent project .. SUCCESS [ 1.339 s] [INFO] sensinact-basis-archetype .......................... SUCCESS [ 1.146 s] [INFO] sensinact-http-archetype ........................... SUCCESS [ 1.080 s] [INFO] sensinact-webapp-archetype ......................... SUCCESS [ 1.423 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact exports .......... SUCCESS [ 4.785 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - Integration Tests .......... SUCCESS [ 0.646 s] [INFO] sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Integration Tests ..... SUCCESS [ 1.448 s] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 08:29 min [INFO] Finished at: 2021-11-26T15:53:55Z [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Waiting for Jenkins to finish collecting data