-includeresource: \
    @postgresql-1.19.1.jar, \
    @jdbc-1.19.1.jar, \
    @database-commons-1.19.1.jar, \
    @testcontainers-1.19.1.jar, \
    @docker-java-api-3.3.3.jar, \
    @docker-java-transport-zerodep-3.3.3.jar, \

Import-Package: \
    !javax.annotation.*, \
    !org.conscrypt, \
    !org.testcontainers.r2dbc.*, \
# Remove warnings about annotation dependencies from repackaged code
-fixupmessages: \
    "While traversing the type tree for com.github.dockerjava.* cannot find class javax.annotation.*"; \
    restrict:=warning; is:=ignore,\
    "While traversing the type tree for com.github.dockerjava.* cannot find class org.immutables.*"; \
    restrict:=warning; is:=ignore,\
    "While traversing the type tree for org.jboss.resteasy.* cannot find class jakarta.servlet.*"; \
    restrict:=warning; is:=ignore,\
    "While traversing the type tree for org.jboss.resteasy.* cannot find class org.jboss.logging.annotations.*"; \
    restrict:=warning; is:=ignore,\
    "While traversing the type tree for org.jboss.resteasy.* cannot find class org.jboss.resteasy.tracing.api.*"; \
    restrict:=warning; is:=ignore,\
    "While traversing the type tree for org.jboss.resteasy.* cannot find class org.apache.http.*"; \
    restrict:=warning; is:=ignore,\
    "While traversing the type tree for org.keycloak.representations.* cannot find class org.eclipse.microprofile.openapi.annotations.*"; \
    restrict:=warning; is:=ignore,\
    "While traversing the type tree for org.testcontainers.* cannot find class com.google.auto.service.*"; \
    restrict:=warning; is:=ignore,\
    "While traversing the type tree for org.testcontainers.* cannot find class com.google.j2objc.annotations.*"; \
    restrict:=warning; is:=ignore,\
    "While traversing the type tree for org.testcontainers.* cannot find class lombok.*"; \
    restrict:=warning; is:=ignore,\
    "While traversing the type tree for org.testcontainers.* cannot find class javax.annotation.*"; \
    restrict:=warning; is:=ignore,\
    "While traversing the type tree for org.testcontainers.* cannot find class org.codehaus.mojo.animal_sniffer.*"; \
    restrict:=warning; is:=ignore,\
    "While traversing the type tree for org.testcontainers.* cannot find class org.jetbrains.annotations.VisibleForTesting"; \
    restrict:=warning; is:=ignore,\
    "While traversing the type tree for * cannot find class edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings"; \
    restrict:=warning; is:=ignore