# This is the version of JUnit that will be used at build time and run time junit: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.junit;version="[4.11,5)" # This is the version of Mockito that will be used at build time and run time mockito: org.mockito.mockito-core;version="[1.9,2)",\ org.objenesis;version="[2.1,3)" #This is the gecko abstract tests gecko: org.gecko.core.test;version=2.0.2 # Discover and run all test cases annotated with the @RunWith annotation Test-Cases: ${classes;CONCRETE;ANNOTATED;org.junit.runner.RunWith} # Needed for Mockito's mocking to work -runsystempackages.objenesis: sun.misc,sun.reflect -resolve.effective: active:="osgi.service" # We need JUnit and Mockito to resolve the test cases at runtime. # Other runtime dependencies should be added as necessary -runbundles.junit: \ ${junit},\ ${mockito},\ ${gecko} -buildpath:\ ${junit},\ ${mockito},\ ${gecko},\ osgi.annotation;version=7.0,\ osgi.core;version=7.0,\ osgi.cmpn;version=7.0 -includeresource: data=data/ Bundle-Version: 1.0.0.SNAPSHOT Private-Package: {{basePackageName}}