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#36 (Jan 23, 2021, 7:38:10 PM)

Started 4 yr 1 mo ago
Took 9.6 sec

Started by an SCM change

Revision: ac5de73cfcc667e6bfda5d47e5be69757e7fcd6d
  • refs/remotes/origin/master
  1. changed classpath from JavaSE-13 to JavaSE-1.8 for indexes projects (details / gitlab)
  2. added support for converting multi-dimension arrays (details / gitlab)
  3. - added documentation (details / gitlab)
  4. #22 (details / gitlab)
  5. Update .gitlab-ci.yml (details / gitlab)
  6. Update .gitlab-ci.yml (details / gitlab)
  7. Update .gitlab-ci.yml (details / gitlab)
  8. Update .gitlab-ci.yml (details / gitlab)
  9. Update .gitlab-ci.yml (details / gitlab)
  10. Made ready for maven central release (details / gitlab)
  11. switched to JDK8 (details / gitlab)
  12. fixed tests (details / gitlab)
  13. fixed the tests (details / gitlab)
  14. added jenkins mongo host (details / gitlab)
  15. updated readme. (details / gitlab)
  16. moved bundles to new project (details / gitlab)
  17. bumped to build with JDK11 (details / gitlab)
  18. updated tests (details / gitlab)
  19. removed junit macros (details / gitlab)
  20. fixed tests (details / gitlab)
  21. added cleanup job (details / gitlab)
  22. cleanup after build (details / gitlab)
  23. removes clean job (details / gitlab)
  24. updated bom (details / gitlab)
  25. prepared for release (details / gitlab)
  26. updated tests (details / gitlab)
  27. removed gitlab build (details / gitlab)