java: java javac: javac javac.source: 1.8 1.8 javac.debug: on #Bundle-DocURL: Bundle-License: Eclipse Public License 1.0 Bundle-Copyright:Data In Motion GmbH all rights reserved Bundle-Vendor: Data In Motion GmbH Bundle-ContactAddress: Bundle-Icon: icons/gecko.ico;size=64 #if you want bnd to tell you more during the build #-verbose: true # Includes sources from bundle -sources: true -includeresource.license: \ META-INF/LICENSE=${workspace}/cnf/license/LICENSE -includeresource.icon: \ icons=${workspace}/cnf/icons -removeheaders: Bnd-LastModified, Tool, Created-By # Path to ... #cnf: ${workspace}/cnf # This is the version of JUnit that will be used at build time and runtime geckotest: org.gecko.core.test;version="[1.0.0,2.0.0)" # This is the version of JUnit that will be used at build time and runtime junit: org.apache.servicemix.bundles.junit;version="[4.11,5)" # This is the version of Mockito that will be used at build time and run time mockito: org.mockito.mockito-core;version="[1.9,2)",\ org.objenesis;version="[2.1,3)" # String to substitute for "SNAPSHOT" in the bundle version's qualifier. #-snapshot: ${tstamp} -releaserepo: Release, DIM_Nexus # Enable semantic versioning for all bundles -baselinerepo: GeckoRSA -baseline: * -maven-release: pom # Provide a useful group-id -groupid: org.gecko.rsa # Ignore files for baselining -diffignore: *.xml,\ */,\ OSGI-OPT/* # define global blacklist -runblacklist.default: osgi.identity;filter:='(osgi.identity=osgi.cmpn)' -testpath: ${junit},\ ${mockito} -resolve.effective: active #-resolve.effective: active;skip:="osgi.service" # > Java 8 runtime -runvm.default: --add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.loader=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED, --add-opens=java.base/, --add-opens=java.base/ #-runvm.default: ${if;${isempty;${system_allow_fail;java --list-modules}};;${modules}}