-buildpath: \ org.osgi.service.condition,\ org.osgi.util.pushstream -testpath: \ ${junit} # sets the usually required buildpath using the bnd library, you can extend it with the normal -buildpath to your liking -library: enable-emf # The code generation takes a bit of time and makes the build a bit slower. # It might be a good idea to put comments around it, when you don't need it -generate:\ model/rsa-test.genmodel;\ generate=geckoEMF;\ genmodel=model/rsa-test.genmodel;\ output=src # Add this attribute to find some logging information # logfile=test.log;\ # If this is not done with a instruction namespace, bnd would think you like # to take full control over whats exported and imported and will ignore @Export # Bundle Annotations -includeresource.model: model=model Bundle-Version: 2.1.0.SNAPSHOT