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Started 2 yr 6 mo ago
Took 9 min 29 sec

#22 (Nov 26, 2021, 4:45:08 PM)

  1. updated Version (commit: d6216fe) (details / githubweb)

Started by GitHub push by juergen-albert (2 times)

Revision: d6216fef40082589c850fe23139007971dfc9994
  • refs/remotes/origin/dim_build_master

Module Builds

 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Gateway Project2.8 sec
 sensiNact IoT AppManager - Core3.9 sec
 sensiNact IoT AppManager - Basic Plugin4.7 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Platform2.2 sec
 sensiNact IoT AppManager - Parent2 sec
 Eclipse sensiNact Bill of Materials (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Common Data Structures4.2 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Core6.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Data store parent module1.8 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Data Store Access API3.2 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - OSGi Framework Security Extension3.4 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Generic implementation5.7 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Historic API3.5 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Historic Reader Manager3.5 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - EMail Account Connector3.6 sec
 sensinact-parent (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Remote OSGi3.6 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security parent module1.8 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security Core8.5 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security Core User Key Builder3.4 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security Moke3.3 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - oAuth2 Security4.5 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security Core OpenId User Key Builder3.4 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security Core Test4.7 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Shell3.1 sec
 OSGi Security Layer - Jar Validation API4.1 sec
 OSGi Security Layer - Jar Validation Mock7.6 sec
 OSGi Security Layer - Jar Validation12 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - SQLite DataBase Connector6.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - System3.4 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Utilities5.8 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Archetypes parent project1.6 sec
 sensinact-basis-archetype1.4 sec
 sensinact-http-archetype1.4 sec
 sensinact-webapp-archetype1.7 sec
 SensiNact core Annotations (didn’t run)
 SensiNact core API (didn’t run)
 Eclipse sensiNact core components (didn’t run)
 SensiNact core API with EMF dependencies (didn’t run)
 SensiNact GeoJSON mapping types (didn’t run)
 SensiNact core implementation (didn’t run)
 SensiNact internal Metadata Model (didn’t run)
 Eclipse sensiNact model components (didn’t run)
 SensiNact Provider Model (didn’t run)
 SensiNact internal Testdata Model (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (android-imu bridge dependencies)2.3 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (application bridge dependencies)5.1 sec
 Eclipse sensiNact Gateway assembly (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (attributesfilter bridge dependencies)3.1 sec
 Eclipse sensiNact Distribution (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact exports5.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (free-sms bridge dependencies)2.3 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (geojsonfilter bridge dependencies)2.2 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (historic bridge dependencies)2.4 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (http-client bridge dependencies)2.2 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (influxdb-storage-agent bridge dependencies)2.8 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (kodi bridge dependencies)2.4 sec
 Eclipse sensiNact Feature Launcher (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (ldapfilter bridge dependencies)2.4 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (mqtt-nb bridge dependencies)2.3 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (mqtt-sb bridge dependencies)2.4 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (mqtt-server bridge dependencies)2.4 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (onem2m bridge dependencies)3.4 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (onem2m-mqttbinding bridge dependencies)2.2 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (openhab bridge dependencies)2.2 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (openweather bridge dependencies)2.3 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Packaging6.8 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Distribution1.9 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (bridge profile generator)2.3 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (rest bridge dependencies)2.4 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact SDK (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (sensinact-datastore bridge dependencies)2.4 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Distribution Generator3.2 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - OSGi Distribution Template1.9 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - OSGi Distribution Template With OpenId Security1.9 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - OSGi Distribution Template With Security1.8 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (sensinact-remote bridge dependencies)2.2 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (simulation bridge dependencies)4.5 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (storage-agent bridge dependencies)2.5 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (swagger bridge dependencies)2.3 sec
 Eclipse sensiNact Feature Launcher Test Utilities (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Runtime (ttn-device bridge dependencies)4.3 sec
 Eclipse sensiNact core Feature (didn’t run)
 Eclipse sensiNact Features (didn’t run)
 Eclipse sensiNact Gogo Shell Feature (didn’t run)
 Eclipse sensiNact Jakarta RESTful Web Services Whiteboard Feature (didn’t run)
 Eclipse sensiNact Servlet whiteboard Feature (didn’t run)
 Eclipse sensiNact Northbound OGC Sensorthings API Feature (didn’t run)
 Eclipse sensiNact Northbound OGC Sensorthings MQTT Feature (didn’t run)
 Eclipse sensiNact OIDC authentication Feature (didn’t run)
 Eclipse sensiNact Northbound REST API Feature (didn’t run)
 Eclipse sensiNact Northbound WebSocket API Feature (didn’t run)
 Eclipse sensiNact Timescale DB History Provider Feature (didn’t run)
 Eclipse sensiNact Virtual Temperature Feature (didn’t run)
 Example action (didn’t run)
 Prototype examples (didn’t run)
 Example generic (didn’t run)
 Example model-based (didn’t run)
 Example notification (didn’t run)
 Example pull-based (didn’t run)
 Example push-based (didn’t run)
 Example reflective (didn’t run)
 Example writable (didn’t run)
 SensiNact Northbound Gogo Shell Commands (didn’t run)
 Northbound Connectors (didn’t run)
 SensiNact Northbound Query Handler (didn’t run)
 SensiNact Northbound REST (didn’t run)
 SensiNact Northbound WebSocket (didn’t run)
 SensiNact Northbound Filters (didn’t run)
 SensiNact Northbound Filters :: Core (didn’t run)
 SensiNact Northbound Filters :: LDAP (didn’t run)
 SensiNact Northbound Security API (didn’t run)
 SensiNact Northbound Open Id Connect authentication validator (didn’t run)
 Northbound Security Providers (didn’t run)
 SensiNact Northbound Security API (didn’t run)
 dto (didn’t run)
 SensiNact Northbound SensorThings :: Filter Parser (didn’t run)
 Sensorthings MQTT (didn’t run)
 rest.api (didn’t run)
 rest.gateway (didn’t run)
 sensorthings (didn’t run)
 Northbound Session Provider (didn’t run)
 SensiNact Northbound Session API (didn’t run)
 SensiNact Northbound Session Provider (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Attributes filter5.3 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Attributes filtering parent module1.8 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Generic Historical Storage Agent5 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - GeoJSON filtering parent module1.9 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - GeoJSON filter5.2 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP oneM2M Northbound Agent4.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP Historical Storage Agent3.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP Forwarding and Callback Factories5.5 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Influxdb Historical Storage Agent3.3 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - JSON Path filter5.2 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - JSONPath filtering parent module2 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - LDAP filter6.9 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - LDAP filtering parent module1.8 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Northbound Agent2.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Northbound Agent Instance5.6 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Generic Northbound Agent3.3 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT oneM2M Northbound Agent4.9 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Northbound parent module2.6 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP REST Access5.7 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Northbound Access3.5 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP Protocol4.9 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Communication protocol parent1.9 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - SSDP3.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Billboard3.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Button3.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Fan3.3 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Light3.8 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Devices1.9 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Slider6 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Simulated Temperatures Generator3.6 sec
 Southbound Connectors (didn’t run)
 Southbound Device Factory :: Parent (didn’t run)
 SensiNact Southbound Device factory :: Core (didn’t run)
 SensiNact Southbound Device factory :: CSV parser (didn’t run)
 SensiNact Southbound Device factory :: JSON parser (didn’t run)
 History Connectors (didn’t run)
 history-api (didn’t run)
 timescale-provider (didn’t run)
 Sensinact Southbound HTTP :: Callback whiteboard (didn’t run)
 Sensinact Southbound HTTP :: Device Factory (didn’t run)
 Southbound HTTP :: Parent (didn’t run)
 Sensinact Southbound MQTT :: Client (didn’t run)
 Sensinact Southbound MQTT :: Device Factory (didn’t run)
 Southbound MQTT :: Parent (didn’t run)
 Virtual Southbound Connectors (didn’t run)
 virtual-temperature-sensor (didn’t run)
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Southbound parent module1.7 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - OpenHab Protocol Device3.9 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Free Mobile SMS service3.4 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Android Web Interface4.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP Protocol Device5.6 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP Protocol Device Factory5.2 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Kodi Device3.6 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Live Objects Orange Protocol Device3.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP oneM2M Device3.2 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - OpenWeather Device3.3 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - HTTP Protocol Devices parent1.9 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Protocol Device3.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Utility bundle3 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Protocol Devices parent2.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Smart Topic Device3.5 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - The Things Network Device3.4 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Influxdb Connector4.3 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MongoDB Connector5.4 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Server19 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Platform Tools2 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - sensiNact Test helper3.3 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Security test configuration3.1 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Swagger API8.8 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - Integration Tests0.99 sec
 sensiNact IoT Gateway - MQTT Integration Tests1.7 sec